Montag, 13. Januar 2014

Just some Holiday Pics

Well hello there handsomes.

Today's post is another slightly random one.
I brought my camera to my parent's place over the holidays and practiced a bit of photography and I thought I'd share =D So here ya gooo

 Our slightly overdecorated Christmas tree. So we made some stuff called "Feuerzangenbowle", I don't even know how to explain it but it's safe to say that it's not just a little bit alcoholic. BUT decorating the Christmas tree has never been so much fun xD

 Assortment of cheesy tree pictures <3

This one is my favorite of all pics I took during the holidays! Left to right my brother in law, me, my mommy and my sister <3 (Can you tell we were completely baked? xD)

 Trying out settings on the camera to catch the fun reflections the light was making with this... whatever that is. I think you put candles in it.
This was just the main course of our Christmas dinner. YES, it tasted the way it looks :O
Don't worry though, I won't become on of those people who post pictures of everything they eat. It was just a special occasion xD

 The making of the devilish beverage. Very fancy to look at but also very scary for the daughter of a firefighter who usually doesn't light more than a candle.
Oh, didn't I tell you? That stuff on top is sugar, you drench it in rum and ten light it on fire.

 like thus.
 Don't try this at home, kids!
(Well, technically I did try it at home myself, but I never said I was a good role model xD)

 Lastly, a few selfies. Cause, gotta have those. So this is my look not for Christmas itself (didn't take pictures then...D=), but for dinner at a very old friend's place. I tried out a more smokey eye look and I think it came out really nice. I knew there would be some smoking done, so I didn't bother washing my hair. Instead, to cover up how dirty it was, I plastered it right down on my head and I was pretty damn happy about that as well.
What do you think?

Lastly, yesterday's hair and make-up! I freshly dyed my hair yesterday and it turned out reeeeeeeeeally neat and I wanted someone to see.I had plans to go out but then I got a headache so bad I had to stay at home :(

Sooooooooooooooooooooooooo that's that. Not much. Let me know what you think and if you have any photography tips for meeee.
And I will talk to you soon(ish).
T <3

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