Dienstag, 5. November 2013

Quick Review: "My Oh My" SNSD MV

Hey peeps so I just watched the MV to SNSD's new single "My Oh My" (which is so funny because I have been using this phrase recently xD), which is supposed to be the lead single for the 3rd Japanese album that will be released in DECEMBER (anyone still need a Christmas present idea for me?). And I... I just had to say a few words here.

Ok, first, check out the video if you haven't already:

Ok so we start out with the girls sitting in some café (Jess looking amazing in that first shot), and I didn't know what was going on the first time I watched it. But Seobaby enters and with her is some other girl (like whaaaaat?) and they are kind of spying on this guy who's inside apparently on a date with the girl in the red dress (so many actors!). And all of SNSD are super shocked, like, how dare he show his face with some other girl here, o.m.g. There's generally some really nice acting going on in this scene. Hyoyeon so gorgeous with the blond hair.
We also cut to the dance part a bit and it looks amazing! A lot of hip-action going on there, I wish we'd see more of it in this video. On the other hand, they only (officially) released dance versions of the last two songs ("Galaxy Supernova" and before that "Love and Girls"), so I'm also glad to get an MV with a storyline for a change =D
So the girls continue to be sassy and gossiping. Yoona gets some singing parts which doesn't happen so much usually; as opposed to Sooyoung who I think OWNS this album. She's so amazing, and I'm so proud of her for asking SM to give her more parts (on live TV!!), I think it really payed off!
Ok, further on the vid starts to get a little crazy what with the girls putting that dude in a giant top hat and blindfolding him and TRANSFORMING HIS HANDS TO FEET WTF XD
In that scene we get a cut to a new set and we have the four members that I like to call the "dance squad"(Hyoyeon, Yuri, Yoona and Sooyoung obviously) walking up to him (and transforming his hands, whatever), and oooooooooooh dear. Those four need more screen time.

Okay, I love the video, the song is very nice as well, but there ARE some things that I don't love: I'm not a fan of the outfits they are wearing, some of the colorblocking is just a bit too much. Also, I thought we were over the whole the-girls-pose-as-a-band-with-instruments thing, because it looks ridiculous and they haven't done it since "Seo Nyuh Shi Dae", which was their SECOND single ever.

As for my "bias" (I might have two or three of them xD), Taeyeon, I was a bit disappointed to see such few parts with her :< (Also stop giving her that hairdo! That looks stupid!) BUT she really kind of owns so many SNSD songs just because she always gets to do the flashy end-vocals, so I think it's ok to cut some of her screen time for other members, like Hyo, who we see a lot in this video. Anyways, Tae gets to fire the canon and sing the last few notes and that's good enough for me =)

The MV ends with Yoona erasing the dude's memory or something. Don't even ask me what they've done with the girl in the red dress, because she's just gone and never mentioned again. (Girls...you scary). So the white-dress-girl gets to have her date and everyone is happy!

All in all a great video, beautiful girls as always. I liked the mood and the make up a lot; and the song has a nice hook to it. Now excuse me while I go listen to it about 16392 times.
Thanks for reading and I'll talk to you soon <3
Love (and Girls =D)

My favorite parts are when Sooyoung throws down her cards and Jessica's face is all like "bitch you did NOT!"
Also Taeyeon laughing like a maniac with her torch xD dorky kid leader<3
 And can I just say that Tiffany's singing in this is reeeeeeeeeeally good? (I felt bad for not mentioning her, even though she's one of my favorite members)

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