Soooooo I'm home from the cinema just now and tired as fuck, but I just cannot WAIT until tomorrow to say what I have to say about Catching Fire.
It was a very emotional night for me guys.
Ok, I'm a huge sucker for the ENTIRE Hunger Games franchise, I have literally read the three books in the matter of a week the first time.
And as an adaption of the books, Catching Fire was - more so than the first movie - almost perfect.
The casting was superb (except for Snow's granddaughter who looks just like Prim which is entirely confusing - but will you LOOK at Finnick?), the sets and make-up were just like I imagined them and... I don't know, I can just say that all in all it's just like the book.
Well, it's how I experienced the book anyways.
JLaw does some great acting, but I guess I'm biased because I also think she seems like an awesome person to hang out with (or maybe she just has amazing PR), but my absolute favorite is Elizabeth Banks as Effie, she just rocks. that. role. She needs to get more credit for this!
And while that's all super great, there ARE some problems that I do have, which are as follows:
- The cat. You guys. The cat in the first movie was black-and-white, this one is an orange tabby, which is already stupid because it's supposed to be the same cat. But also those are both wrong Oo Like, it's just this tiny little detail but the thing is called Buttercup, because it has dirty yellow fur. Could you not get this right? Stupid problem, I know.
- I already said that the girl that plays Snow's granddaughter looks way too much like Prim. Like, in her first scene I went "WTF, why is Primrose casually having breakfast with the President??". So that's that. Maybe a bit too confusing, but she's just a minor character.
- Here's the only thing that really disappointed me: When Katniss finds out what the Quarter Quell is about, in the books, she has this complete melt-down. Like, she goes into the basement of an empty house and just tears shit up and screams for like several hours. In the movie, she just walks out into the woods, has a bit of a sexy-cry (everyone refer to this, if you don't know what I mean), and then we're good. No. Just no. You have an academy award winning actress on your hands, fucking make her have that emotional moment. PLEASE.
This scene had just SO much impact on me while reading (because it gives so much insight on how messed up and crazy Kantiss is from her first Games, which btw is an aspect that generally got a little down-played too much, imho) and I guess my expectations were probably too high but even then what they finally did with it was... underwhelming =(
But I guess my other (also very high) expectations were all met very well, really. I was EXTREMELY hyped for this movie and not disappointed, which is more than I could have asked for.
So, can we just get Mockingjay out ... ? Right now would be a good time for me.
Ok I guess I'm just gonna stick with the fact that I LOVED this movie.
If you disagree, no offense, you probably didn't read (or like) the books, OR your expectations were even higher that mine, but if that's the need to calm down.
Go watch Catching Fire, if you have not seen it yet, or better yet: read the books first, then go watch it.
Good Night for now (sorry for inconsistent writing and/or spelling mistakes, I'm just really tired),
and thanks for reading!
T <3
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