Soooooo I'm home from the cinema just now and tired as fuck, but I just cannot WAIT until tomorrow to say what I have to say about Catching Fire.
It was a very emotional night for me guys.
Ok, I'm a huge sucker for the ENTIRE Hunger Games franchise, I have literally read the three books in the matter of a week the first time.
And as an adaption of the books, Catching Fire was - more so than the first movie - almost perfect.
The casting was superb (except for Snow's granddaughter who looks just like Prim which is entirely confusing - but will you LOOK at Finnick?), the sets and make-up were just like I imagined them and... I don't know, I can just say that all in all it's just like the book.
Well, it's how I experienced the book anyways.
JLaw does some great acting, but I guess I'm biased because I also think she seems like an awesome person to hang out with (or maybe she just has amazing PR), but my absolute favorite is Elizabeth Banks as Effie, she just rocks. that. role. She needs to get more credit for this!
And while that's all super great, there ARE some problems that I do have, which are as follows:
- The cat. You guys. The cat in the first movie was black-and-white, this one is an orange tabby, which is already stupid because it's supposed to be the same cat. But also those are both wrong Oo Like, it's just this tiny little detail but the thing is called Buttercup, because it has dirty yellow fur. Could you not get this right? Stupid problem, I know.
- I already said that the girl that plays Snow's granddaughter looks way too much like Prim. Like, in her first scene I went "WTF, why is Primrose casually having breakfast with the President??". So that's that. Maybe a bit too confusing, but she's just a minor character.
- Here's the only thing that really disappointed me: When Katniss finds out what the Quarter Quell is about, in the books, she has this complete melt-down. Like, she goes into the basement of an empty house and just tears shit up and screams for like several hours. In the movie, she just walks out into the woods, has a bit of a sexy-cry (everyone refer to this, if you don't know what I mean), and then we're good. No. Just no. You have an academy award winning actress on your hands, fucking make her have that emotional moment. PLEASE.
This scene had just SO much impact on me while reading (because it gives so much insight on how messed up and crazy Kantiss is from her first Games, which btw is an aspect that generally got a little down-played too much, imho) and I guess my expectations were probably too high but even then what they finally did with it was... underwhelming =(
But I guess my other (also very high) expectations were all met very well, really. I was EXTREMELY hyped for this movie and not disappointed, which is more than I could have asked for.
So, can we just get Mockingjay out ... ? Right now would be a good time for me.
Ok I guess I'm just gonna stick with the fact that I LOVED this movie.
If you disagree, no offense, you probably didn't read (or like) the books, OR your expectations were even higher that mine, but if that's the need to calm down.
Go watch Catching Fire, if you have not seen it yet, or better yet: read the books first, then go watch it.
Good Night for now (sorry for inconsistent writing and/or spelling mistakes, I'm just really tired),
and thanks for reading!
T <3
Freitag, 29. November 2013
Montag, 25. November 2013
"November Days" Make-Up Tutorial (also: short hair & other exciting news)
Hey peeps,
today's post is very special to me for multiple reasons. First: I have had my hair cut shorter than it has been in... at least 5 years (wow Oo), and I'll be revealing that today.
Also (and more importantly), I'm proud to announce that I am now a volunteer for the What to Wear page!
I found out by complete chance that they were looking for volunteers and I immediately applied.They answered very quickly and were super nice the whole time, and apart from their massive abuse of hashtags (;P) they seem like a bunch of very cool people. They agreed to post my make-up tutorials to their wall and also let me do some posts on fashion news and other fashion journalism and I'm just so EXCITED, I'm about to BURST!
So yeah, that's happening in my life. It's pretty awesome.
If you guys could just head over there and give the page a thumbs up, that would totally make my day <3
Okay, now let's get into the post!
Today we will be creating this look
that I have named "November Days" because the colors remind me of grey and foggy November weather. Now this is a very soft and subtle look, because it's supposed to be wearable for any occasion. I've been wearing this almost every day now, weather to Uni or out to dinner with my parents - it always seemed appropriate. Let's get started.
1. First I did my usual foundation-concealer-powder routine for preparation, and then I started off by filling in my eyebrows. Now, I haven't been doing this for long, and I'm still in doubt over weather it's needed at all (I'm just not an eyebrow kind of person...), and usually I'll do it AFTER my eye make-up is finished, so that I can better balance out the look. But since I knew what look I was going for, I was able to do my eyebrows first and get that out of the way.
Now, don't go crazy with the eyebrows, because the eye look is very soft and you don't wanna overwhelm it. I just filled in some sparse patches to give them more shape and that's all.
2. Now pick up a warm brown color (mine is shimmery, but matte would work just as well) and spread it well into your crease. Try to pick a shade that's similar to what natural shadows on your face look like, because it's supposed to have a contouring effect. I have been loving this technique lately!
3. Your main color should be a well-pigmented shimmering pale grey. Mine has a bit of a lilac/baby blue undertone which I think looks sooo precious, so if you can find one like that, definitely use it!
Apply to the center of your lids and then blend it with the brown we used before.
4. Next bring your brown color from before down and line about half of your lower lashline with it.
5. Now this step is important, brightening the inner corners! I have developed a special technique for this, since it's so easy to end up with glitter all over the place, but still not enough color pigment where you actually need it (and that just looks messy). So, here's what I do: I apply a tiny bit of LIQUID white eyeshadow right into the corner of my eye, then blend that out towards my upper and lower lashlines. Then, quickly while it's still wet, I put a very sparkly white eyeshadow over top of that to set it in place. This way, the color will be pigmented enough and the sparkle will stay in place, because it's sticking to the liquid shadow. I do this with almost every make-up look and it works great for me - no more messy corners!
6. After that, just line your upper lashline with a dark grey,
7. your waterline with white or pink,
8. and then apply mascara as you see fit.
After that all you need is some blush (don't neglect that though, you'll need some warmth in your face with all those cold colors), and maybe some lipstick. Since it's getting really cold outside by now, I tend to choose just a tinted lip balm that I can reapply over the course of the day to keep my lips moisturized.
Anyways, that's the finished look and here's some more pics for you to see more angles of it.
Also - of course - my new hairstyle! (omg!)
today's post is very special to me for multiple reasons. First: I have had my hair cut shorter than it has been in... at least 5 years (wow Oo), and I'll be revealing that today.
Also (and more importantly), I'm proud to announce that I am now a volunteer for the What to Wear page!
I found out by complete chance that they were looking for volunteers and I immediately applied.They answered very quickly and were super nice the whole time, and apart from their massive abuse of hashtags (;P) they seem like a bunch of very cool people. They agreed to post my make-up tutorials to their wall and also let me do some posts on fashion news and other fashion journalism and I'm just so EXCITED, I'm about to BURST!
So yeah, that's happening in my life. It's pretty awesome.
If you guys could just head over there and give the page a thumbs up, that would totally make my day <3
Okay, now let's get into the post!
Today we will be creating this look
that I have named "November Days" because the colors remind me of grey and foggy November weather. Now this is a very soft and subtle look, because it's supposed to be wearable for any occasion. I've been wearing this almost every day now, weather to Uni or out to dinner with my parents - it always seemed appropriate. Let's get started.
1. First I did my usual foundation-concealer-powder routine for preparation, and then I started off by filling in my eyebrows. Now, I haven't been doing this for long, and I'm still in doubt over weather it's needed at all (I'm just not an eyebrow kind of person...), and usually I'll do it AFTER my eye make-up is finished, so that I can better balance out the look. But since I knew what look I was going for, I was able to do my eyebrows first and get that out of the way.
Now, don't go crazy with the eyebrows, because the eye look is very soft and you don't wanna overwhelm it. I just filled in some sparse patches to give them more shape and that's all.
2. Now pick up a warm brown color (mine is shimmery, but matte would work just as well) and spread it well into your crease. Try to pick a shade that's similar to what natural shadows on your face look like, because it's supposed to have a contouring effect. I have been loving this technique lately!
3. Your main color should be a well-pigmented shimmering pale grey. Mine has a bit of a lilac/baby blue undertone which I think looks sooo precious, so if you can find one like that, definitely use it!
Apply to the center of your lids and then blend it with the brown we used before.
4. Next bring your brown color from before down and line about half of your lower lashline with it.
5. Now this step is important, brightening the inner corners! I have developed a special technique for this, since it's so easy to end up with glitter all over the place, but still not enough color pigment where you actually need it (and that just looks messy). So, here's what I do: I apply a tiny bit of LIQUID white eyeshadow right into the corner of my eye, then blend that out towards my upper and lower lashlines. Then, quickly while it's still wet, I put a very sparkly white eyeshadow over top of that to set it in place. This way, the color will be pigmented enough and the sparkle will stay in place, because it's sticking to the liquid shadow. I do this with almost every make-up look and it works great for me - no more messy corners!
6. After that, just line your upper lashline with a dark grey,
7. your waterline with white or pink,
8. and then apply mascara as you see fit.
After that all you need is some blush (don't neglect that though, you'll need some warmth in your face with all those cold colors), and maybe some lipstick. Since it's getting really cold outside by now, I tend to choose just a tinted lip balm that I can reapply over the course of the day to keep my lips moisturized.
Anyways, that's the finished look and here's some more pics for you to see more angles of it.
Also - of course - my new hairstyle! (omg!)
crazy eyes!
Also, the tips of my hair are this purply color right now which was not supposed to happen, but I kinda like it...
Also, the tips of my hair are this purply color right now which was not supposed to happen, but I kinda like it...
Got a bit of weird camera focus going on here, but the make-up shows nicely.
...I just thought this one turned out pretty ^^
Trinception! Taking a photo in two mirrors at once! =O
I was really just playing around by then ^^
I was really just playing around by then ^^
Anywho, that's all for today.
Again, please support "What to Wear" by liking their page (you're also supporting my posts!).
If you try out this look, send me pics and/or tell me how it worked out for you! Also, how do you like my short hair? =O
Well, thanks for reading and I'll talk to you soon!
T <3
OOPS! Forgot to do product list ^^
Here it is:
1. I've been over this. You know it by now xD; 2. Maybelline "Fit me!" Concealer in 15; 3. H&M blush "Autumn flower"; 4. Maybelline "Fit me!" Powder in Translucent; 5. essence brow liner in 01-black; 6. labello tinted lip balm; 7. H&M eyeshadow palette; 8. claire's eyeshadow palette; 9. Yves Rocher couleurs white liquid shadow; 10. MAJORICA MAJORICA jeweling eyes; 11. Yves Rocher couleurs liner in "blanc", 12. Yves Rocher mascara in black.
OOPS! Forgot to do product list ^^
Here it is:
Sonntag, 17. November 2013
Quick Review: Thor - The Dark World
Hey folks so the gang and I finally went to see the new Thor yesterday, which was probably a bad idea since I was already feeling sick and now I'm just staying in bed all day but I REGRET NOTHING!
Okay, Thor 2 can't really compare with Iron Man 3 which was just AMAZING, but I still thought it was pretty good.
We get Natalie Portman back, and I love her as an actress but there's a bit of a plot hole as to WHY she wasn't in "The Avengers" and how she spent her time in between the movies, but whatever.
I loved the comic relief scenes in this movie; Jane's assistant Darcey is a lot of fun and of course we get LOKI! (I gotta say I'm not exactly 100% aboard the Loki-train that's running rampant on imgur right now, but I DO think he's an awesome character and I was glad he had an important role in this movie again, because, let's face it, Thor is pretty, but he's not very entertaining.)
The plot is pretty basic. Some evil dudes cause trouble because of an infinity stone that Jane happens to find, shit goes down. There's not much to it really. But the visuals are great, the action scenes are very nice and I gotta really say, the costume designers did a lot better than in the first Thor movie, when all the Asgardians just looked like they came from a cheap video game. Or maybe I just loved Natalie Portman wearing Asgard fashion so much, I ignored everything else in the movie xD.
I enjoyed watching it a lot, the pacing felt really nice and the story was, while not very complex, enjoyable. I definitely recommend you go see it, if you haven't already.
The only disappointment was the Collector, whom we get to see at the end (tip: Do not leave the room until after ALL the credits rolled. This is a MARVEL film, have your learned nothing?), who looks like - as Jan put it - a character that could come from "The Fifth Element". This is NOT a compliment.
Anyways, the whole thing is very exciting, I'm glad I watched it and I hope you'll be too.
If or when you've watched it, let me know what your thoughts are and which MARVEL movie you're most pumped for in the future!
Now I'm getting pizza delivered to my bed, which is just about the best thing ever, so I'm singing off. But as always, thanks for reading and I'll talk to you soon!
T <3
Okay, Thor 2 can't really compare with Iron Man 3 which was just AMAZING, but I still thought it was pretty good.
We get Natalie Portman back, and I love her as an actress but there's a bit of a plot hole as to WHY she wasn't in "The Avengers" and how she spent her time in between the movies, but whatever.
I loved the comic relief scenes in this movie; Jane's assistant Darcey is a lot of fun and of course we get LOKI! (I gotta say I'm not exactly 100% aboard the Loki-train that's running rampant on imgur right now, but I DO think he's an awesome character and I was glad he had an important role in this movie again, because, let's face it, Thor is pretty, but he's not very entertaining.)
The plot is pretty basic. Some evil dudes cause trouble because of an infinity stone that Jane happens to find, shit goes down. There's not much to it really. But the visuals are great, the action scenes are very nice and I gotta really say, the costume designers did a lot better than in the first Thor movie, when all the Asgardians just looked like they came from a cheap video game. Or maybe I just loved Natalie Portman wearing Asgard fashion so much, I ignored everything else in the movie xD.
I enjoyed watching it a lot, the pacing felt really nice and the story was, while not very complex, enjoyable. I definitely recommend you go see it, if you haven't already.
The only disappointment was the Collector, whom we get to see at the end (tip: Do not leave the room until after ALL the credits rolled. This is a MARVEL film, have your learned nothing?), who looks like - as Jan put it - a character that could come from "The Fifth Element". This is NOT a compliment.
Anyways, the whole thing is very exciting, I'm glad I watched it and I hope you'll be too.
If or when you've watched it, let me know what your thoughts are and which MARVEL movie you're most pumped for in the future!
Now I'm getting pizza delivered to my bed, which is just about the best thing ever, so I'm singing off. But as always, thanks for reading and I'll talk to you soon!
T <3
Donnerstag, 7. November 2013
Wedding photos!!!
Yeah, did you even expect me to follow up on that promise?
I always planned to, but I don't see my sis so much, which is why I only received the photos last weekend when she and my brother-in-law (we still giggle whenever I say this xD) invited me to a Wellness weekend as a late birthday present.
Anyways, here they are. ENJOY!
First off, the bride and groom both looking STUNNING and absolutely adorable!
At the civil registry office. There are so many photos where they look at each other all in love and stuff... and I chose to put up this one where Tobi is doing some sort of frog face xD I still think it's cute :3
Hey, there's me! I cried more that my sister (then again... so did the groom xP). I'm glad the photographer didn't take any snotty pictures of me - phew!
XD. My boyfriend looking GANGSTA with his new sunnies. I just love this so much, I had to put it up xD
Oh my god. This is a rarity you're looking at, a photo of Jan and me! This will probably be used by both of our families for the next ten years or so... I'm glad I look okay^^
Yeah, did you even expect me to follow up on that promise?
I always planned to, but I don't see my sis so much, which is why I only received the photos last weekend when she and my brother-in-law (we still giggle whenever I say this xD) invited me to a Wellness weekend as a late birthday present.
Anyways, here they are. ENJOY!
First off, the bride and groom both looking STUNNING and absolutely adorable!
At the civil registry office. There are so many photos where they look at each other all in love and stuff... and I chose to put up this one where Tobi is doing some sort of frog face xD I still think it's cute :3
Hey, there's me! I cried more that my sister (then again... so did the groom xP). I'm glad the photographer didn't take any snotty pictures of me - phew!
Remember what I said about eye smiling when I'm really happy? Yeah, like that. I'm so glad this is black and white, because my teeth are REALLY yellow ^^ Other than that I really like this photo =)
hug <3
Okay, I know this is a bit random, but I think the photographer REALLY liked my hairdo, because there's at least 5 pics that have the blurry back of my head in them. Or maybe I was annoying him a lot by walking into all the frames. PHOTOBOMBED!
Anyways, those are the wedding pictures. I'm sorry to say there were none that had my complete outfit in them, but seeing my beautiful sister in her gorgeous wedding gown is good enough I think.
Congratulations again to my sister and her husband!
You guys are the perfect couple.
I love you!!
So, that's it. Don't be surprised if I go into hiatus for a few weeks now after putting out post after post after post in these last days xD
Anyways thanks for reading (or... looking I guess)!
T <3
Mittwoch, 6. November 2013
I made dis (Frog girl)
SO. It's a busy week for this blog, huh?
Anyways, I still do "art" sometimes, even the kind that doesn't consist of fashion designs or little comicey drawings of myself during a lecture.
introducing Frog Girl a.k.a. Kaylie (cause she's not wearing a mask).
I think the last time I drew her must be like... YEARS ago. But when I sat down with my GT last night it's just turned out to be her somehow.
Seriously, she just seems to give you bedroom eyes on EVERY picture. I don't know why. It just happens.
This is really just skin shading practice that I have been dying to try out ever since I watched this video by Kienan Lafferty. (SHOUT-OUT TIME!)
So Kienan used to work for riot, doing the splash art for Champions (Ahri, Fizz, Wukong, Redeemed Riven, and many more are his work) and that's how I found his youtube channel, and now he's doing his little webshow while working on his online comic "Emma", which is amazing, go check it out! (Seriously. Go. NOW.)
Unfortunately I have only once managed to stay up long enough to watch his live stream at 4 am, but there's a video on his channel somewhere where he tries to pronounce "zwergprinzessin" xD So yeah, I'm like, a part of the community.
Please please please show him lots of love, he works so hard and he deserves more attention!
Ooooohkay, back to froggy. Now I'm not saying I'll ever be close to as good as Kienan is, but I really liked working on this and I'm pretty happy with the final thing. I know her hair looks really weird when rendered like this, but my main point was to practice skin and I think that turned out pretty damn nice. I still suck horribly at noses and lips though =/
Okay so I guess I just wanted to quickly share this pic and Kienan's channel with you guys. Please go read "Emma", you will not regret it.
Also, let me know what you think of Kaylie's skin and if you have any tips for me ;)
Thank yooooou for reading and smell ya later
T <3
Anyways, I still do "art" sometimes, even the kind that doesn't consist of fashion designs or little comicey drawings of myself during a lecture.
introducing Frog Girl a.k.a. Kaylie (cause she's not wearing a mask).
I think the last time I drew her must be like... YEARS ago. But when I sat down with my GT last night it's just turned out to be her somehow.
Seriously, she just seems to give you bedroom eyes on EVERY picture. I don't know why. It just happens.
This is really just skin shading practice that I have been dying to try out ever since I watched this video by Kienan Lafferty. (SHOUT-OUT TIME!)
So Kienan used to work for riot, doing the splash art for Champions (Ahri, Fizz, Wukong, Redeemed Riven, and many more are his work) and that's how I found his youtube channel, and now he's doing his little webshow while working on his online comic "Emma", which is amazing, go check it out! (Seriously. Go. NOW.)
Unfortunately I have only once managed to stay up long enough to watch his live stream at 4 am, but there's a video on his channel somewhere where he tries to pronounce "zwergprinzessin" xD So yeah, I'm like, a part of the community.
Please please please show him lots of love, he works so hard and he deserves more attention!
Ooooohkay, back to froggy. Now I'm not saying I'll ever be close to as good as Kienan is, but I really liked working on this and I'm pretty happy with the final thing. I know her hair looks really weird when rendered like this, but my main point was to practice skin and I think that turned out pretty damn nice. I still suck horribly at noses and lips though =/
Okay so I guess I just wanted to quickly share this pic and Kienan's channel with you guys. Please go read "Emma", you will not regret it.
Also, let me know what you think of Kaylie's skin and if you have any tips for me ;)
Thank yooooou for reading and smell ya later
T <3
Dienstag, 5. November 2013
Quick Review: "My Oh My" SNSD MV
Hey peeps so I just watched the MV to SNSD's new single "My Oh My" (which is so funny because I have been using this phrase recently xD), which is supposed to be the lead single for the 3rd Japanese album that will be released in DECEMBER (anyone still need a Christmas present idea for me?). And I... I just had to say a few words here.
Ok, first, check out the video if you haven't already:
Ok so we start out with the girls sitting in some café (Jess looking amazing in that first shot), and I didn't know what was going on the first time I watched it. But Seobaby enters and with her is some other girl (like whaaaaat?) and they are kind of spying on this guy who's inside apparently on a date with the girl in the red dress (so many actors!). And all of SNSD are super shocked, like, how dare he show his face with some other girl here, o.m.g. There's generally some really nice acting going on in this scene. Hyoyeon so gorgeous with the blond hair.
We also cut to the dance part a bit and it looks amazing! A lot of hip-action going on there, I wish we'd see more of it in this video. On the other hand, they only (officially) released dance versions of the last two songs ("Galaxy Supernova" and before that "Love and Girls"), so I'm also glad to get an MV with a storyline for a change =D
So the girls continue to be sassy and gossiping. Yoona gets some singing parts which doesn't happen so much usually; as opposed to Sooyoung who I think OWNS this album. She's so amazing, and I'm so proud of her for asking SM to give her more parts (on live TV!!), I think it really payed off!
Ok, further on the vid starts to get a little crazy what with the girls putting that dude in a giant top hat and blindfolding him and TRANSFORMING HIS HANDS TO FEET WTF XD
In that scene we get a cut to a new set and we have the four members that I like to call the "dance squad"(Hyoyeon, Yuri, Yoona and Sooyoung obviously) walking up to him (and transforming his hands, whatever), and oooooooooooh dear. Those four need more screen time.
Okay, I love the video, the song is very nice as well, but there ARE some things that I don't love: I'm not a fan of the outfits they are wearing, some of the colorblocking is just a bit too much. Also, I thought we were over the whole the-girls-pose-as-a-band-with-instruments thing, because it looks ridiculous and they haven't done it since "Seo Nyuh Shi Dae", which was their SECOND single ever.
As for my "bias" (I might have two or three of them xD), Taeyeon, I was a bit disappointed to see such few parts with her :< (Also stop giving her that hairdo! That looks stupid!) BUT she really kind of owns so many SNSD songs just because she always gets to do the flashy end-vocals, so I think it's ok to cut some of her screen time for other members, like Hyo, who we see a lot in this video. Anyways, Tae gets to fire the canon and sing the last few notes and that's good enough for me =)
The MV ends with Yoona erasing the dude's memory or something. Don't even ask me what they've done with the girl in the red dress, because she's just gone and never mentioned again. ( scary). So the white-dress-girl gets to have her date and everyone is happy!
All in all a great video, beautiful girls as always. I liked the mood and the make up a lot; and the song has a nice hook to it. Now excuse me while I go listen to it about 16392 times.
Thanks for reading and I'll talk to you soon <3
Love (and Girls =D)
My favorite parts are when Sooyoung throws down her cards and Jessica's face is all like "bitch you did NOT!"
Also Taeyeon laughing like a maniac with her torch xD dorky kid leader<3
And can I just say that Tiffany's singing in this is reeeeeeeeeeally good? (I felt bad for not mentioning her, even though she's one of my favorite members)
Ok, first, check out the video if you haven't already:
Ok so we start out with the girls sitting in some café (Jess looking amazing in that first shot), and I didn't know what was going on the first time I watched it. But Seobaby enters and with her is some other girl (like whaaaaat?) and they are kind of spying on this guy who's inside apparently on a date with the girl in the red dress (so many actors!). And all of SNSD are super shocked, like, how dare he show his face with some other girl here, o.m.g. There's generally some really nice acting going on in this scene. Hyoyeon so gorgeous with the blond hair.
We also cut to the dance part a bit and it looks amazing! A lot of hip-action going on there, I wish we'd see more of it in this video. On the other hand, they only (officially) released dance versions of the last two songs ("Galaxy Supernova" and before that "Love and Girls"), so I'm also glad to get an MV with a storyline for a change =D
So the girls continue to be sassy and gossiping. Yoona gets some singing parts which doesn't happen so much usually; as opposed to Sooyoung who I think OWNS this album. She's so amazing, and I'm so proud of her for asking SM to give her more parts (on live TV!!), I think it really payed off!
Ok, further on the vid starts to get a little crazy what with the girls putting that dude in a giant top hat and blindfolding him and TRANSFORMING HIS HANDS TO FEET WTF XD
In that scene we get a cut to a new set and we have the four members that I like to call the "dance squad"(Hyoyeon, Yuri, Yoona and Sooyoung obviously) walking up to him (and transforming his hands, whatever), and oooooooooooh dear. Those four need more screen time.
Okay, I love the video, the song is very nice as well, but there ARE some things that I don't love: I'm not a fan of the outfits they are wearing, some of the colorblocking is just a bit too much. Also, I thought we were over the whole the-girls-pose-as-a-band-with-instruments thing, because it looks ridiculous and they haven't done it since "Seo Nyuh Shi Dae", which was their SECOND single ever.
As for my "bias" (I might have two or three of them xD), Taeyeon, I was a bit disappointed to see such few parts with her :< (Also stop giving her that hairdo! That looks stupid!) BUT she really kind of owns so many SNSD songs just because she always gets to do the flashy end-vocals, so I think it's ok to cut some of her screen time for other members, like Hyo, who we see a lot in this video. Anyways, Tae gets to fire the canon and sing the last few notes and that's good enough for me =)
The MV ends with Yoona erasing the dude's memory or something. Don't even ask me what they've done with the girl in the red dress, because she's just gone and never mentioned again. ( scary). So the white-dress-girl gets to have her date and everyone is happy!
All in all a great video, beautiful girls as always. I liked the mood and the make up a lot; and the song has a nice hook to it. Now excuse me while I go listen to it about 16392 times.
Thanks for reading and I'll talk to you soon <3
Love (and Girls =D)
My favorite parts are when Sooyoung throws down her cards and Jessica's face is all like "bitch you did NOT!"
Also Taeyeon laughing like a maniac with her torch xD dorky kid leader<3
And can I just say that Tiffany's singing in this is reeeeeeeeeeally good? (I felt bad for not mentioning her, even though she's one of my favorite members)
Montag, 4. November 2013
September & October Favorites!
Can you believe it's November already!?
Time goes by so fast, I missed doing a "September Favorites" post xD Well, I decided to just put them both together ^o^
Okay then, let's get to it shall we.
Heeeeeeeeeere we go
1. Twinings Classics Lady Grey tea. Ah, I love this stuff. I've never been a fan of black tea, but the Lady Grey one is just REALLY delicious. Also, we don't have a coffeemaker, so to wake up a bit more in the morning I've been drinking black tea basically every day. I love it with milk and sugar <3
2. Teekanne "Cool Sensations" Ice tea bags. Yes, those are teabags to make with COLD water. I know this is weird, but since the tap water at my place has a bit of a weird taste to it I just can't drink it pure. Those tea bags helped me a lot to still get enough to drink without having to spend a lot of money on juices or stuff like that. If I put those into our water, it tastes just fine. Also, those don't have as many calories as juices or sodas would, so that's a huge plus =)
3. Okay, here we have this pink nail polish. Unfortunately, I took off the label and I can't for the live of me remember where I got it, but I know that the name of the color is "Karl says très chic", because I thought that was hilarious. These days I have been combining this with the Manhattan ProMat Topcoat, a matte topcoat, to get this rich, creamy berry color that is perfect for fall time. Unfortunately, the pink is not the greatest quality nail polish, so it chips off pretty easily and I have to reapply it a lot, but the beautiful color is worth it.
4. This is what I call my Instant Shower Kit, consisting of deodorant from Balea and wet wipes from ebelin. This is great because my Friday schedule sends me straight from ballet practice into a lecture at Uni, so no time for showering - YUCK! Thankfully, I bring my Instant Shower Kit with me every time, and I can do some damage control that only takes 5 minutes ;)
5. The Maybelline New York FIT me! Concealer in 15. Aaaaaaahhh! How long have I looked for a concealer in my skin tone that I can AFFORD! I look so healthy and awake now that I can properly cover up my dark circles xD These days I see even drug store make up brands trending towards pinkish foundation and concealers, which I literally couldn't find ANYWHERE (except Lancôme) two years ago. Huge hurray for that! Now us pinkfaced girls can buy cheaper products as well.
6. H&M's "Divine Eyeshadows" Palette. Oh. My God. You will not believe what awesome quality H&M make up products are. These eyeshadows are very highly pigmented and have a kind of creamy consistency that makes them easy to blend without losing any of the pigment. Now it has to be said that that is not true for ALL shadows in this palette, but just for the 6th one from the left, this shimmery bronzy color, that I use LITERALLY every day (seriously, not kidding), the 5 Euros or what it was that I spent on this palette were already worth it!
7. H&M blush "Autumn Flower". I told you. H&M. This blush is so so so beautiful; it has this little rose pattern and it has a great size and it also comes with a little brush (not a sponge), but I don't love that one so much. Also the color is this nice pop of red, that goes great with my hair, and it's so CRAZY pigmented, you have no idea. I have to be soooo careful not to put on too much, because it's just really red. This has become my new go-to blush, as opposed to the pinker tones I used in summer. Definitely recommend!
8. H&M Lipstick "Diva Bride". Are you kidding me? The name of the color alone is epic xD I have been experimenting with different lip colors since I changed my hair to red, to see what goes with it and what doesn't. You'd be surprised by how many lip colors work with dark pinkish red hair!
At the store this bright pink basically jumped at me and I thought "Can I pull this off?... I HAVE to try!!" And so I did. And I love it.
Now the H&M lipsticks are pretty awesome as well. Very well pigmented and they feel nice on the lips (I always wear lipbalm underneath every lipstick, just to make sure my lips are moisturized enough...), and I will definitely pick myself up some more colors next time I'm at H&M. But "Diva Bride" has a special place in my heart.
9. VICHY Laboratories Normaderm Hyaluspot on the spot anti-imperfection care. Okay, this should have been on my "Favorite beauty products EVER" list, seriously. But I was just starting to use it back then and I wasn't sure about it yet. Let me tell ya. This stuff has REVOLUTIONIZED my skincare. Now I have a horrible horrible picking habit, but the Hyaluspot really helped me with that. Even 5 minutes after applying it, pimples will feel less ...infected somehow. Here's how it works best: If you can tell you're gonna have a pimple, apply the stuff on that area twice a day. After you have slept on it once or twice, the whitehead will have appeared and you can safely squeeze it out. (I know you shouldn't even do that, but I'm a horrible picker and really it's better than mutilating my entire face by scratching it open when it's not ready yet). After that you just apply some healing cream on it and you should be almost rid of the whole thing the next day. At least that's how it works for me. Now it's not like I get fewer pimples since I use Hyaluspot, but it definitely reduces the life span of an average pimple to 3-5 days, instead of 1-2 weeks depending on how much I scratched it. This has really helped me with my skin, I love it, and I really recommend it.
10. Now last but ABSOLUTELY not least: My TOTORO Sweater!! My boyfriend got it for me for my birthday <3 Omg I love this thing. Not only does it have a little Totoro-face and -ears, but it's also SO warm and comfy, I never want to take it off ever again! 'Nuff Said.
Other favorites of the last two months aaaare:
Okay, there's actually kind of more like a collection of favorite ALBUMS I had these days, but I'll try and pick my favorite songs from there.
- Flyleaf "New Horizons" Well I think I said enough about this album in my last post. Go check it out if you haven't already; my favorite song, obviously, is "New Horizons"
- Girls' Generation "Girls Generation", SNSD's first Japanese album is also the only one that I physically own (bought it at the K-Pop dance festival in June). This and "New Horizons" is all I've been listening to on my way to Uni and back home. This is just a good album. The end.
At first it was weird to hear some of the songs in Japanese instead of Korean, but I got used to it. Now if you see me on the bus and I'm jerking around weirdly, that's because a song like "Genie" or "Run Devil Run" just came up and I'm dancing along in my head xD
Uhm my favorite song... that's a hard one. I think it might be "The Great Escape", even though I basically like all of them equally.
- f(x) "Pink Tape", omg I need this CD. It is SO. good. I told you before, I love f(x), they're amazing singers, I want them to be as successful as SNSD!
Okay, my bf has been listening to a lot of electronic kind of music recently, so I kind of got into it as well, which is probably why I enjoy "Pink Tape" so much. Yes, there's some really electric stuff there ("Airplane"), but I kinda like it.
Fav song..s: "Pretty Girl" and "Goodbye Summer", those are just soooooooooooooo well sung, oh my, oh my! I can't handle it, I just... I can't.
Also "Snapshot", "Step" and "Toy". And everything. AAaaaaaahhh xD
Oh, also (Yes, more K-Pop), I've been loving "Baby Steps" by TTS. I haven't listened to any other TTS song except "Twinkle" before and I kinda just stumbled over Baby Steps but oooooooooooooooh my God. Oh. My. God. The feels. Cannot. I just. I'm so done.
*goes to stand in a corner to cry*
TaeTiSeo, why are you doing this to me? This song. They're such wonderful singers. And Taeyeon. Taeyeon just kills me every time with the "Somebody help me!" part.
Check them out singing this live. Oh my. Crying.
Well, obviously, we picked up Pokemon X/Y right on the release day, what are we, casuals? Because I'm a girl I got X, and Blauko and Jan are guys, so they both got Y.
What can I say? I love it. It's POKEMON you guys. The only Pokemon game I ever didn't LOVE as much as the others was Black/White, but I still played that for months.
DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND? It's Pokemon. That's all.
Then there's always League of Legends of course, but the last month has indeed been special, because Jan and I finally started playing ranked games, and got right into Silver1 (victorious ward skin for me!).Also: Who else is PUMPED for preseason? YES. YES. YES to all the changes they are making; Supporter gold income, vision distribution, TEAM BUILDER? Hell yeah. Can't wait.
Okay I don't even know if that counts as OCTOBER favorite still, because I only just read it the past weekend, but "The ocean at the end of the lane" by Neil Gaiman, my all time favorite author. His newest book, and I swallowed it up in a matter of 48 hours. It's so good. Creepy, scary, sad and sometimes kinda gross. Exactly what we want from Mr Gaiman.
Oh wow that was a lot of text xD That's it about my Sep/Oct favs I guess ^^
Can I just say that this fall was AMAZING? We haven't had that kind of fall weather for YEARS in central Europe. Usually it's just hot in summer, then it's raining for a week in September, and after that it's winter. But this year we had proper fall weather with the colored leafs and sunny days and foggy days and everything and I LOVED it. This week though, I think weather has decided to go cold for good, which is also fine by me. Cuddle weather :3 Lot's of tea and soup. Yay ^^
Okay now, thanks for reading all of this xD I hope you find some of these thing as awesome as I do. If you try anything out, please let me know what you thought about it. Also feel free to tell me your fall favorites/recommendations!
T <3
Time goes by so fast, I missed doing a "September Favorites" post xD Well, I decided to just put them both together ^o^
Okay then, let's get to it shall we.
Heeeeeeeeeere we go
1. Twinings Classics Lady Grey tea. Ah, I love this stuff. I've never been a fan of black tea, but the Lady Grey one is just REALLY delicious. Also, we don't have a coffeemaker, so to wake up a bit more in the morning I've been drinking black tea basically every day. I love it with milk and sugar <3
2. Teekanne "Cool Sensations" Ice tea bags. Yes, those are teabags to make with COLD water. I know this is weird, but since the tap water at my place has a bit of a weird taste to it I just can't drink it pure. Those tea bags helped me a lot to still get enough to drink without having to spend a lot of money on juices or stuff like that. If I put those into our water, it tastes just fine. Also, those don't have as many calories as juices or sodas would, so that's a huge plus =)
3. Okay, here we have this pink nail polish. Unfortunately, I took off the label and I can't for the live of me remember where I got it, but I know that the name of the color is "Karl says très chic", because I thought that was hilarious. These days I have been combining this with the Manhattan ProMat Topcoat, a matte topcoat, to get this rich, creamy berry color that is perfect for fall time. Unfortunately, the pink is not the greatest quality nail polish, so it chips off pretty easily and I have to reapply it a lot, but the beautiful color is worth it.
4. This is what I call my Instant Shower Kit, consisting of deodorant from Balea and wet wipes from ebelin. This is great because my Friday schedule sends me straight from ballet practice into a lecture at Uni, so no time for showering - YUCK! Thankfully, I bring my Instant Shower Kit with me every time, and I can do some damage control that only takes 5 minutes ;)
5. The Maybelline New York FIT me! Concealer in 15. Aaaaaaahhh! How long have I looked for a concealer in my skin tone that I can AFFORD! I look so healthy and awake now that I can properly cover up my dark circles xD These days I see even drug store make up brands trending towards pinkish foundation and concealers, which I literally couldn't find ANYWHERE (except Lancôme) two years ago. Huge hurray for that! Now us pinkfaced girls can buy cheaper products as well.
6. H&M's "Divine Eyeshadows" Palette. Oh. My God. You will not believe what awesome quality H&M make up products are. These eyeshadows are very highly pigmented and have a kind of creamy consistency that makes them easy to blend without losing any of the pigment. Now it has to be said that that is not true for ALL shadows in this palette, but just for the 6th one from the left, this shimmery bronzy color, that I use LITERALLY every day (seriously, not kidding), the 5 Euros or what it was that I spent on this palette were already worth it!
7. H&M blush "Autumn Flower". I told you. H&M. This blush is so so so beautiful; it has this little rose pattern and it has a great size and it also comes with a little brush (not a sponge), but I don't love that one so much. Also the color is this nice pop of red, that goes great with my hair, and it's so CRAZY pigmented, you have no idea. I have to be soooo careful not to put on too much, because it's just really red. This has become my new go-to blush, as opposed to the pinker tones I used in summer. Definitely recommend!
8. H&M Lipstick "Diva Bride". Are you kidding me? The name of the color alone is epic xD I have been experimenting with different lip colors since I changed my hair to red, to see what goes with it and what doesn't. You'd be surprised by how many lip colors work with dark pinkish red hair!
At the store this bright pink basically jumped at me and I thought "Can I pull this off?... I HAVE to try!!" And so I did. And I love it.
Now the H&M lipsticks are pretty awesome as well. Very well pigmented and they feel nice on the lips (I always wear lipbalm underneath every lipstick, just to make sure my lips are moisturized enough...), and I will definitely pick myself up some more colors next time I'm at H&M. But "Diva Bride" has a special place in my heart.
9. VICHY Laboratories Normaderm Hyaluspot on the spot anti-imperfection care. Okay, this should have been on my "Favorite beauty products EVER" list, seriously. But I was just starting to use it back then and I wasn't sure about it yet. Let me tell ya. This stuff has REVOLUTIONIZED my skincare. Now I have a horrible horrible picking habit, but the Hyaluspot really helped me with that. Even 5 minutes after applying it, pimples will feel less ...infected somehow. Here's how it works best: If you can tell you're gonna have a pimple, apply the stuff on that area twice a day. After you have slept on it once or twice, the whitehead will have appeared and you can safely squeeze it out. (I know you shouldn't even do that, but I'm a horrible picker and really it's better than mutilating my entire face by scratching it open when it's not ready yet). After that you just apply some healing cream on it and you should be almost rid of the whole thing the next day. At least that's how it works for me. Now it's not like I get fewer pimples since I use Hyaluspot, but it definitely reduces the life span of an average pimple to 3-5 days, instead of 1-2 weeks depending on how much I scratched it. This has really helped me with my skin, I love it, and I really recommend it.
10. Now last but ABSOLUTELY not least: My TOTORO Sweater!! My boyfriend got it for me for my birthday <3 Omg I love this thing. Not only does it have a little Totoro-face and -ears, but it's also SO warm and comfy, I never want to take it off ever again! 'Nuff Said.
Other favorites of the last two months aaaare:
Okay, there's actually kind of more like a collection of favorite ALBUMS I had these days, but I'll try and pick my favorite songs from there.
- Flyleaf "New Horizons" Well I think I said enough about this album in my last post. Go check it out if you haven't already; my favorite song, obviously, is "New Horizons"
- Girls' Generation "Girls Generation", SNSD's first Japanese album is also the only one that I physically own (bought it at the K-Pop dance festival in June). This and "New Horizons" is all I've been listening to on my way to Uni and back home. This is just a good album. The end.
At first it was weird to hear some of the songs in Japanese instead of Korean, but I got used to it. Now if you see me on the bus and I'm jerking around weirdly, that's because a song like "Genie" or "Run Devil Run" just came up and I'm dancing along in my head xD
Uhm my favorite song... that's a hard one. I think it might be "The Great Escape", even though I basically like all of them equally.
- f(x) "Pink Tape", omg I need this CD. It is SO. good. I told you before, I love f(x), they're amazing singers, I want them to be as successful as SNSD!
Okay, my bf has been listening to a lot of electronic kind of music recently, so I kind of got into it as well, which is probably why I enjoy "Pink Tape" so much. Yes, there's some really electric stuff there ("Airplane"), but I kinda like it.
Fav song..s: "Pretty Girl" and "Goodbye Summer", those are just soooooooooooooo well sung, oh my, oh my! I can't handle it, I just... I can't.
Also "Snapshot", "Step" and "Toy". And everything. AAaaaaaahhh xD
Oh, also (Yes, more K-Pop), I've been loving "Baby Steps" by TTS. I haven't listened to any other TTS song except "Twinkle" before and I kinda just stumbled over Baby Steps but oooooooooooooooh my God. Oh. My. God. The feels. Cannot. I just. I'm so done.
*goes to stand in a corner to cry*
TaeTiSeo, why are you doing this to me? This song. They're such wonderful singers. And Taeyeon. Taeyeon just kills me every time with the "Somebody help me!" part.
Well, obviously, we picked up Pokemon X/Y right on the release day, what are we, casuals? Because I'm a girl I got X, and Blauko and Jan are guys, so they both got Y.
What can I say? I love it. It's POKEMON you guys. The only Pokemon game I ever didn't LOVE as much as the others was Black/White, but I still played that for months.
DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND? It's Pokemon. That's all.
Then there's always League of Legends of course, but the last month has indeed been special, because Jan and I finally started playing ranked games, and got right into Silver1 (victorious ward skin for me!).Also: Who else is PUMPED for preseason? YES. YES. YES to all the changes they are making; Supporter gold income, vision distribution, TEAM BUILDER? Hell yeah. Can't wait.
Okay I don't even know if that counts as OCTOBER favorite still, because I only just read it the past weekend, but "The ocean at the end of the lane" by Neil Gaiman, my all time favorite author. His newest book, and I swallowed it up in a matter of 48 hours. It's so good. Creepy, scary, sad and sometimes kinda gross. Exactly what we want from Mr Gaiman.
Oh wow that was a lot of text xD That's it about my Sep/Oct favs I guess ^^
Can I just say that this fall was AMAZING? We haven't had that kind of fall weather for YEARS in central Europe. Usually it's just hot in summer, then it's raining for a week in September, and after that it's winter. But this year we had proper fall weather with the colored leafs and sunny days and foggy days and everything and I LOVED it. This week though, I think weather has decided to go cold for good, which is also fine by me. Cuddle weather :3 Lot's of tea and soup. Yay ^^
Okay now, thanks for reading all of this xD I hope you find some of these thing as awesome as I do. If you try anything out, please let me know what you thought about it. Also feel free to tell me your fall favorites/recommendations!
T <3
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