YAY! I finally managed to get my lazy ass back to blogging!
I'm very sorry for slacking off so much over the last weeks. But with Uni life starting again and just about every person I know moving to Vienna, I was just super overwhelmed.
But, on a similar note, I can now proudly introduce Buttons&Brushes' new category "lifestyle". There's gonna be two sub-sections called "Uni life" and "City life", which, being a easily-overwhelmed countryside girl, I still need to learn a lot about.
I guess "Uni life" will be interesting to anyone in school, college or University. "City life" might only be useful to fellow countryside people moving to a bigger city, and mostly not even that, because Vienna really doesn't qualify as a VERY big city... BUT maybe you'll still get a lough out of my struggles to manage the big city life =)
Other than that, there's also been another big change in my life recently: my hair color! I will not reveal it just yet (mainly because I haven't managed to take an ok picture so far), but I'm gonna say this much: it's kinda crazy. There will be a post about hair soon, so please look forward to that =)
OKAY, so since I'm introducing the lifestyle category, let me start by teaching you the way of the "morning routine Priority System", which can be life saving for you chaotic and long-sleeping people out there.
So this has happened to me on several occasions now: I set my alarm early, thinking I'll have a lot of time to get ready, and then somehow I end up having to rush around to even make it to my classes on time. The person showing up at Uni then looks like this: (note: hinting on my new hair)
Why? Not because I didn't have enough time, or sleep. But because I don't have structure, I don't have a plan. I end up doing nothing for a lot of time, because I'm confused and sleepy and overwhelmed by all the things I still need to do.
So, here's the trick. I call it the "morning routine Priority System". I'm pretty sure I invented this, though I am not too proud, because it's really very simple. What you do is you break down "getting ready" into several small activities, e.g. breakfast, shower, brushing your teeth, packing your bag,...
You don't even have to make a mental list, you just have to keep all your little activities in mind. Then, you start with the MOST IMPORTANT ONE, being the one with the highest priority, hence the title. I usually start off with coffee or, recently, black tea, for reasons of hydration and caffeine. Next, all you have to do when you're close to finishing up your first activity is think of all the ones that are left, and which one of them is the next in line of priority.
For me it helps to think in this way:
"I COULD leave the house without brushing my teeth, but I CANNOT leave the house without packing my bag for class."
This specific example might sound gross, but it's true. So I pack my bag first and while I do that I think about which is the next important thing to do.This way, you will know what to do next and, assuming you've taken enough time in total, you will not need to rush anything. Of course, your total time depends on how many little activities you have every morning. For me, it's a lot, including packing a lunchbox and putting on make up. Also, just because you put back a certain activity, like "brushing my teeth", doesn't mean you're not doing that at all. It might even be the next in line of priority. You efficiently work through all of them, and if you've taken enough total time, you will comfortably finish them too. For total time I usually think 1,5-2 hours, depending on if I need to take a shower or not, and then I add an extra 30 minutes just to be on the safe side. If, by any chance, you miscalculated and you DON'T have enough time to finish all your activities, at least you'll have done what you considered important first and you won't be a total mess, like I am when I just dilly-dally through my mornings.
Now, here's why this is so great: For one, I'm horrible at fixed morning routines, I never even had one when I was in school and I had to get up at the same time every day. Now, at Uni, when my classes are at complete random times, it's a lot nicer to have a flexible routine that's efficient.
Also, working efficiently really wakes me up and then I feel better (also because I feel a lot more confident if my hair is done and I'm wearing make up), and I also find myself able to pay more attention during class.
Now the person showing up to Uni looks like this:
I know this might not necessarily be great for everyone, but it really changed MY life for the better, and I wanted to share!
If you're an anti-morning-person like me, give it a try and I guarantee you will be feeling a lot more motivated and healthy! (Well, if you're in high school, I understand if you can't be motivated for anything, but it might still help a little ^^)
You. Are. Very. Welcome.
Please please let me know if you tried any of my tips, or if YOU have any special tips for morning routines. I'd also really appreciate feedback on the little comics and if you'd like to see more of those!
Thank you so very much for reading!
T <3
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