Everyone! Thanks for being with me up until now. I hope you'll follow this link:
because this is where I will be posting from now on!
I felt like tumblr was the place I wanted to be, I really can't phrase my reasons any better xD I've had an account for ages but I only ever liked other people's posts. Now I'm starting to make my own.
BUT! Not to worry, I will keep everything on here up for you to look at again if you do so desire.
Also if you like my facebook page, I will keep you posted (....get it?) on what happens on tumblr ^^
Thanks so much again and I hope to see you on tumblr <3
Dienstag, 25. Februar 2014
Montag, 13. Januar 2014
Just some Holiday Pics
Well hello there handsomes.
Today's post is another slightly random one.
I brought my camera to my parent's place over the holidays and practiced a bit of photography and I thought I'd share =D So here ya gooo
Sooooooooooooooooooooooooo that's that. Not much. Let me know what you think and if you have any photography tips for meeee.
And I will talk to you soon(ish).
T <3
Today's post is another slightly random one.
I brought my camera to my parent's place over the holidays and practiced a bit of photography and I thought I'd share =D So here ya gooo
Our slightly overdecorated Christmas tree. So we made some stuff called "Feuerzangenbowle", I don't even know how to explain it but it's safe to say that it's not just a little bit alcoholic. BUT decorating the Christmas tree has never been so much fun xD
Assortment of cheesy tree pictures <3
This one is my favorite of all pics I took during the holidays! Left to
right my brother in law, me, my mommy and my sister <3 (Can you tell
we were completely baked? xD)
Trying out settings on the camera to catch the fun reflections the light was making with this... whatever that is. I think you put candles in it.
This was just the main course of our Christmas dinner. YES, it tasted the way it looks :O
Don't worry though, I won't become on of those people who post pictures of everything they eat. It was just a special occasion xD
The making of the devilish beverage. Very fancy to look at but also very scary for the daughter of a firefighter who usually doesn't light more than a candle.
Oh, didn't I tell you? That stuff on top is sugar, you drench it in rum and ten light it on fire.
like thus.
Don't try this at home, kids!
(Well, technically I did try it at home myself, but I never said I was a good role model xD)
Lastly, a few selfies. Cause, gotta have those. So this is my look not for Christmas itself (didn't take pictures then...D=), but for dinner at a very old friend's place. I tried out a more smokey eye look and I think it came out really nice. I knew there would be some smoking done, so I didn't bother washing my hair. Instead, to cover up how dirty it was, I plastered it right down on my head and I was pretty damn happy about that as well.
What do you think?
Lastly, yesterday's hair and make-up! I
freshly dyed my hair yesterday and it turned out reeeeeeeeeally neat and
I wanted someone to see.I had plans to go out but then I got a headache so bad I had to stay at home :(
Sooooooooooooooooooooooooo that's that. Not much. Let me know what you think and if you have any photography tips for meeee.
And I will talk to you soon(ish).
T <3
Mittwoch, 8. Januar 2014
Yo, peeps!
So guys I've decided to postpone December favorites and do a double favorites post for Dec+Jan at the beginning of next month. BECAUSE there are some more pressing matters at hand!
Those being that I drove to the middle of nowhere yesterday and applied for fashion school! GAAAAH I HAVEN'T BEEN SO EXCITED SINCE...EVER!!! I'm finally coming around to getting the education that I want, which is something I could have done five years ago but I just somehow didn't and I've never regretted anything more! Now it's high time I answered my calling and got to learning about fashion and sewing!
In celebration of this I finally got over myself and I'll start doing FASHION posts here!
If you follow my facebook page, or have fanned me on lookbook, you might have noticed that I posted a series of "Cardi" looks lately.
One problem I've personally come across with a lot of fashion bloggers/youtubers: If you live in California or a place with similar climate, your summer fashion tips might be awesome, but you don't really know the first thing about ACTUAL cold weather in winter - no offense!
But where I live it does get really cold (I'm aware, of course, that there's places that get even colder) and we have to dress WARM. I recently picked up two cozy over sized cardigans from Forever 21 and I've been obsessed with them every since, so I thought they'd make a good first fashion post for this blog!
I've styled them (especially the pink one) in about 10 000 different ways by now, but here's some of my favorite looks:
About the photos: I'm not a model ok? xD I'm not even photogenic. It was hard enough to get THESE pictures without getting one where I look super derpy!
Also, I know the lighting is confusing, I kind of just did what I thought matched the individual looks best... I need to get outside and take pictures in the daylight! (JULES WHERE ARE YOU? I need you to help me again xD)
Ok, so what I learned about wearing over sized cardigans:
You wanna wear something body-hugging underneath a shapeless piece like that (good thing I love my skater skirts =D). OR, if you do wear another airy, shapeless piece like I did in look 2, try and make it something sheer or see-through and wear a tight tank top in a contrast color underneath, so that in the right light you can still see that your body has a shape underneath all this fabric. (Unfortunately, the light this picture was taken in is NOT the right one, but you get the picture xD).
Also, pop them cuffs out! (I love you, Chriselle!) What I did with the sleeves in look 4 really brought the whole outfit together, even though the cardi itself is a total contrast color.
Speaking of colors, If you have a statementy piece like the "Ocean Cardi", try to keep the rest in natural or neutral tones, for casual everyday looks. Of course, if you want to dress it up more for a party or something, you can add another color (or some more of the same, like in look 2), to create a bold look. (Some dark lipstick can't hurt either).
Since my hair color is a pretty big accent in any outfit already, I personally like to keep colors simple and bright. My craze over pink things comes really in handy these days ;)
Sooo, those are definitely two new favorite pieces of mine, the pink one being especially dear to me.
It's important to keep warm, but who says you can't be fashionable at the same time? =D
OK, this was my first fashion post ^o^ I hope you liked it, because it will not be the last one! (Since this is what this blog was initially created for).
By the way, I'd really welcome some constructive criticism and/or tips. Do you like my posts? Are they even interesting? Which kind of post do you like the most? What would you do differently?
Like, I know I should put in more pics and less text (show, don't tell - I guess), and I'll work on that!
Let me know if there's anything!
AAAAAnyways, thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it!
T <3
So guys I've decided to postpone December favorites and do a double favorites post for Dec+Jan at the beginning of next month. BECAUSE there are some more pressing matters at hand!
Those being that I drove to the middle of nowhere yesterday and applied for fashion school! GAAAAH I HAVEN'T BEEN SO EXCITED SINCE...EVER!!! I'm finally coming around to getting the education that I want, which is something I could have done five years ago but I just somehow didn't and I've never regretted anything more! Now it's high time I answered my calling and got to learning about fashion and sewing!
In celebration of this I finally got over myself and I'll start doing FASHION posts here!
If you follow my facebook page, or have fanned me on lookbook, you might have noticed that I posted a series of "Cardi" looks lately.
One problem I've personally come across with a lot of fashion bloggers/youtubers: If you live in California or a place with similar climate, your summer fashion tips might be awesome, but you don't really know the first thing about ACTUAL cold weather in winter - no offense!
But where I live it does get really cold (I'm aware, of course, that there's places that get even colder) and we have to dress WARM. I recently picked up two cozy over sized cardigans from Forever 21 and I've been obsessed with them every since, so I thought they'd make a good first fashion post for this blog!
I've styled them (especially the pink one) in about 10 000 different ways by now, but here's some of my favorite looks:
About the photos: I'm not a model ok? xD I'm not even photogenic. It was hard enough to get THESE pictures without getting one where I look super derpy!
Also, I know the lighting is confusing, I kind of just did what I thought matched the individual looks best... I need to get outside and take pictures in the daylight! (JULES WHERE ARE YOU? I need you to help me again xD)
Ok, so what I learned about wearing over sized cardigans:
You wanna wear something body-hugging underneath a shapeless piece like that (good thing I love my skater skirts =D). OR, if you do wear another airy, shapeless piece like I did in look 2, try and make it something sheer or see-through and wear a tight tank top in a contrast color underneath, so that in the right light you can still see that your body has a shape underneath all this fabric. (Unfortunately, the light this picture was taken in is NOT the right one, but you get the picture xD).
Also, pop them cuffs out! (I love you, Chriselle!) What I did with the sleeves in look 4 really brought the whole outfit together, even though the cardi itself is a total contrast color.
Speaking of colors, If you have a statementy piece like the "Ocean Cardi", try to keep the rest in natural or neutral tones, for casual everyday looks. Of course, if you want to dress it up more for a party or something, you can add another color (or some more of the same, like in look 2), to create a bold look. (Some dark lipstick can't hurt either).
Since my hair color is a pretty big accent in any outfit already, I personally like to keep colors simple and bright. My craze over pink things comes really in handy these days ;)
Sooo, those are definitely two new favorite pieces of mine, the pink one being especially dear to me.
It's important to keep warm, but who says you can't be fashionable at the same time? =D
OK, this was my first fashion post ^o^ I hope you liked it, because it will not be the last one! (Since this is what this blog was initially created for).
By the way, I'd really welcome some constructive criticism and/or tips. Do you like my posts? Are they even interesting? Which kind of post do you like the most? What would you do differently?
Like, I know I should put in more pics and less text (show, don't tell - I guess), and I'll work on that!
Let me know if there's anything!
AAAAAnyways, thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it!
T <3
Samstag, 4. Januar 2014
RANDOM POST: My favorite and least favorite SNSD concepts for each member!
Hi guys and girls and HAPPY NEW YEAR OH MY GOD!
So I thought it would be a bit lame to start out the year with my December favorites. I will do those eventually, but right now it just doesn't feel festive enough xD
WHICH IS WHY I chose to make this slightly random post that has been lurking in the back of my head for quite a while. Now if you're not a K-Pop fan I apologize, but you can still look at pictures of beautiful ladies so I hope you'll still enjoy some of this post ^^
Okay, first off. Two things:
1. While I do have a bit of an order to the members, namely my favorites coming last, I DO NOT have a 9th through 1st place ranking of SNSD. The girls are all amazing and I love them all, and there's really just two or three that I love the slightest bit more. So please don't think too much about the order I put them in.
2. The pictures I am about to post are either screencapped by myself from the respective youtube videos (which is why the quality isn't always awesome), or just google image searched "member+song title". I do not own any of their content! (Also: I don't have a picture for EVERYTHING)
Oooookay let's get started!
- General
Before I get into single members, let's talk about concepts that were awesome/sucked generally xD
- "Kissing You" was just too cutesy, NO ONE could pull that off really well. I know they were younger and all... But it still seems very forced and unnatural. Also "Dancing Queen" was one of the worst songs they ever published, video and concept included.
+ Is it just me or are their Japanese videos just ALWAYS crazy beautiful? Paparazzi (pic), All my love is for you, My oh My (!!!), ... all those videos have awesome concepts that work so so so well!

Ah. Yuri is just a hottie. There's no way around it. I don't think I even have a least favorite concept for her. If I had to put a finger on a FAVORITE (or two...) I'd go with "Run Devil Run" (right) and "The Boys" (left), because Yuri looks best when the concept is cool/sexy.
There wasn't ever any doubt for me: Sunny looks best in this single shot of "Chocolate Love". First of all I love this song, and also it was the first time I realized that Sunny's singing could be so mature and beautiful. And then she just looks amazing, it was deffo a good video for Sunny.
As for dislikes, I actually never liked her short blond hair very much. There, I said it.
Everyone needs to shut the fuck up about Hyoyeon. She's super pretty ok, whoever says differently obviously hasn't seen the videos for "All my love is for you" (pic), "Time Machine", Japanese "Oh!", basically everything where she has her blond hair xD
I realize her stylists back in the day ("Kissing You" was especially horrible for her) were a bit misguided, but ever since "The Boys" she looks incredible and I need people to stop saying she's the least pretty D=
Oh, she's so low on the list, whaaaaat?
Well, this is about concepts and even though Yoona is generally considered the most beautiful (doesn't mean I agree), she doesn't have a concept that's SPECIAL for her personally. To me, Yoona basically always looks the same.
They did try the bangs for "Run Devil Run", but that obviously didn't work out, and from then on they just left her hair as it is. YES she's beautiful, but she's also a bit boring!
(pic's from "the Boys" btw, which I neither hate nor love)
Jan refers to Sooyoung as "the one with the nose" xD Something about her nose freaks him out big time.
What freaks ME out is that I couldn't think of a single concept that looked really bad for her. She can just pull off ANY look. Be it short hair or long, smokey or natural make-up, Soo always looks good.
Ever since I watched "Dating Agency Cyrano", I see her in a different light too.
I won't even talk about her body. It's ridiculous. I won't.
Anyways, this pic is from the Japanese version of "Genie", but it was really hard to decide on one!
Here's the deal about Jessica: I dislike her in most of the concepts. I don't know what it is about her style but I never thought it looked particularly good... And then there's "Run Devil Run". I'm gonna go all out and say that NO member of SNSD has EVER looked as epic as Jessica does in rDr. What the. I don't. THE HAIR!
Turns out when they style Sica with more of a smokey look, she's just incredibly beautiful. In the album art for "I got a Boy", oh my. Oh Lord. She's so gorgeous! Why don't they always style her like that? Q_Q (Maybe because I'd probably die from a heart attack)
Only my three favorites are left: TAETISEO!
This subunit is just amazing, all my favorite members! And even though Tiffany and Taeyeon hold a very special place in my heart, I have also come to love Seohyun, the lovely maknae. (Once I could distinguish her from Yuri, that is xD) If you look back to the beginning of SNSD it's very clear that Seohyun is the one who's made the biggest transformation. She's turned into this beautiful, elegant lady and her voice is incredible!
I love her a lot in "Twinkle", which is great because it is a TaeTiSeo song. She also looks amazing in the recent videos for "Galaxy Supernova" and "My oh My".
The only concept that I didn't like for her was "The Boys" and even then, I think she did a great job!

Soooo, Fany is the one that I personally consider the most beautiful member of SNSD. She's just so gorgeous and there's hardly any concept that didn't look good on her.
In "Twinkle" (left) there are some frames where she just doesn't look like herself and it wasn't GREAT, but I generally still love Twinkle's concept too much to be bothered by that. Tiffany is awesome in basically everything else: I don't think there was a single shot in "My oh My" where she didn't look absolutely stunning! And while I generally prefer her glamorous curly hair over straight, she has never looked better than in "All my love is for you" (right). There is no doubt about it: Fany takes the cake for most beautiful.
Dear Internet, I have a slight obsession. If I had to pick a single bias for ever and always, that would be Taeyeon. And if Tiffany had any competition for "most beautiful", that would also be Taeyeon.
Unfortunately, there are a few concepts that didn't look so great on Taeyeon, like everything where she has bangs ("Kissing You", "Gee", ... I'm not saying she looks ugly with bangs, just that she looks better without them xD) and those multiple recent videos where they just take a strand of her hair and twist it up weirdly on her head ("Galaxy Supernova", "My oh My"). So, unlike Tiffany, Tae cannot pull off just any look.
But when she does, boy, does she PULL it OFF!
My favorite look of hers is the long blond hair, the way you see it in "All my love is for you" (top) and "Twinkle" (bot).
She also had shorter and colorful hair for both "The Boys" and "I got a Boy", which I also liked a lot. Looking at pics of Tae's short hair made it easier for me to cut off my own xD
Taeyeon is also SNSD's oldest and, thus, their leader. But that doesn't stop her from being her own, dorky self and that's why she's my absolute favorite.
Also, did you ever hear her sing? My god, that gurl can SING.
That's all.
Okay, let's wrap up this increasingly weird post.
Let me know what your favorite SNSD concepts are, or, if you don't like K-Pop, just tell me your new year's resolutions or something xD Mine is to eat ALL of the things! (Just kidding, I went right back on diet after the holidays).
Anyways thanks for reading, and I'll be putting up "December favorites" soon!
T <3
You know sometimes (=always) I just post things because I FELT LIKE IT. Deal with it.
[EDIT]: Sorry for weird weird formats, I don't know what happened.
So I thought it would be a bit lame to start out the year with my December favorites. I will do those eventually, but right now it just doesn't feel festive enough xD
WHICH IS WHY I chose to make this slightly random post that has been lurking in the back of my head for quite a while. Now if you're not a K-Pop fan I apologize, but you can still look at pictures of beautiful ladies so I hope you'll still enjoy some of this post ^^
Okay, first off. Two things:
1. While I do have a bit of an order to the members, namely my favorites coming last, I DO NOT have a 9th through 1st place ranking of SNSD. The girls are all amazing and I love them all, and there's really just two or three that I love the slightest bit more. So please don't think too much about the order I put them in.
2. The pictures I am about to post are either screencapped by myself from the respective youtube videos (which is why the quality isn't always awesome), or just google image searched "member+song title". I do not own any of their content! (Also: I don't have a picture for EVERYTHING)
Oooookay let's get started!
- General
Before I get into single members, let's talk about concepts that were awesome/sucked generally xD
- "Kissing You" was just too cutesy, NO ONE could pull that off really well. I know they were younger and all... But it still seems very forced and unnatural. Also "Dancing Queen" was one of the worst songs they ever published, video and concept included.
+ Is it just me or are their Japanese videos just ALWAYS crazy beautiful? Paparazzi (pic), All my love is for you, My oh My (!!!), ... all those videos have awesome concepts that work so so so well!

Ah. Yuri is just a hottie. There's no way around it. I don't think I even have a least favorite concept for her. If I had to put a finger on a FAVORITE (or two...) I'd go with "Run Devil Run" (right) and "The Boys" (left), because Yuri looks best when the concept is cool/sexy.
There wasn't ever any doubt for me: Sunny looks best in this single shot of "Chocolate Love". First of all I love this song, and also it was the first time I realized that Sunny's singing could be so mature and beautiful. And then she just looks amazing, it was deffo a good video for Sunny.
As for dislikes, I actually never liked her short blond hair very much. There, I said it.
Everyone needs to shut the fuck up about Hyoyeon. She's super pretty ok, whoever says differently obviously hasn't seen the videos for "All my love is for you" (pic), "Time Machine", Japanese "Oh!", basically everything where she has her blond hair xD
I realize her stylists back in the day ("Kissing You" was especially horrible for her) were a bit misguided, but ever since "The Boys" she looks incredible and I need people to stop saying she's the least pretty D=
Oh, she's so low on the list, whaaaaat?
Well, this is about concepts and even though Yoona is generally considered the most beautiful (doesn't mean I agree), she doesn't have a concept that's SPECIAL for her personally. To me, Yoona basically always looks the same.
They did try the bangs for "Run Devil Run", but that obviously didn't work out, and from then on they just left her hair as it is. YES she's beautiful, but she's also a bit boring!
(pic's from "the Boys" btw, which I neither hate nor love)

What freaks ME out is that I couldn't think of a single concept that looked really bad for her. She can just pull off ANY look. Be it short hair or long, smokey or natural make-up, Soo always looks good.
Ever since I watched "Dating Agency Cyrano", I see her in a different light too.
I won't even talk about her body. It's ridiculous. I won't.
Anyways, this pic is from the Japanese version of "Genie", but it was really hard to decide on one!

Here's the deal about Jessica: I dislike her in most of the concepts. I don't know what it is about her style but I never thought it looked particularly good... And then there's "Run Devil Run". I'm gonna go all out and say that NO member of SNSD has EVER looked as epic as Jessica does in rDr. What the. I don't. THE HAIR!
Turns out when they style Sica with more of a smokey look, she's just incredibly beautiful. In the album art for "I got a Boy", oh my. Oh Lord. She's so gorgeous! Why don't they always style her like that? Q_Q (Maybe because I'd probably die from a heart attack)
Only my three favorites are left: TAETISEO!
This subunit is just amazing, all my favorite members! And even though Tiffany and Taeyeon hold a very special place in my heart, I have also come to love Seohyun, the lovely maknae. (Once I could distinguish her from Yuri, that is xD) If you look back to the beginning of SNSD it's very clear that Seohyun is the one who's made the biggest transformation. She's turned into this beautiful, elegant lady and her voice is incredible!
I love her a lot in "Twinkle", which is great because it is a TaeTiSeo song. She also looks amazing in the recent videos for "Galaxy Supernova" and "My oh My".
The only concept that I didn't like for her was "The Boys" and even then, I think she did a great job!

In "Twinkle" (left) there are some frames where she just doesn't look like herself and it wasn't GREAT, but I generally still love Twinkle's concept too much to be bothered by that. Tiffany is awesome in basically everything else: I don't think there was a single shot in "My oh My" where she didn't look absolutely stunning! And while I generally prefer her glamorous curly hair over straight, she has never looked better than in "All my love is for you" (right). There is no doubt about it: Fany takes the cake for most beautiful.
Dear Internet, I have a slight obsession. If I had to pick a single bias for ever and always, that would be Taeyeon. And if Tiffany had any competition for "most beautiful", that would also be Taeyeon.
Unfortunately, there are a few concepts that didn't look so great on Taeyeon, like everything where she has bangs ("Kissing You", "Gee", ... I'm not saying she looks ugly with bangs, just that she looks better without them xD) and those multiple recent videos where they just take a strand of her hair and twist it up weirdly on her head ("Galaxy Supernova", "My oh My"). So, unlike Tiffany, Tae cannot pull off just any look.
But when she does, boy, does she PULL it OFF!
My favorite look of hers is the long blond hair, the way you see it in "All my love is for you" (top) and "Twinkle" (bot).
She also had shorter and colorful hair for both "The Boys" and "I got a Boy", which I also liked a lot. Looking at pics of Tae's short hair made it easier for me to cut off my own xD
Taeyeon is also SNSD's oldest and, thus, their leader. But that doesn't stop her from being her own, dorky self and that's why she's my absolute favorite.
Also, did you ever hear her sing? My god, that gurl can SING.
That's all.
Okay, let's wrap up this increasingly weird post.
Let me know what your favorite SNSD concepts are, or, if you don't like K-Pop, just tell me your new year's resolutions or something xD Mine is to eat ALL of the things! (Just kidding, I went right back on diet after the holidays).
Anyways thanks for reading, and I'll be putting up "December favorites" soon!
T <3
You know sometimes (=always) I just post things because I FELT LIKE IT. Deal with it.
[EDIT]: Sorry for weird weird formats, I don't know what happened.
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